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Smoke 'n Magic Pork Belly Street Tacos recipe

Brad and Bre team up in this one to make her favorite: Pork Belly Street Tacos! Prepare to be wowed by this unique and irresistible recipe 🐖🌮


1 Large Cut of Pork Belly

Smoke’n Magic Pork Rub

Smoke’n Magic Rib Rub

Smoke’n Magic Southern Twang BBQ Sauce

Two Small Foil Pans

Two Small Baking Racks

Pam cooking spray

2 Jalapeños

1 Can of Pineapple Chunks, Drained (we prefer Dole)

Tin Foil

2 Sticks of Butter

Head Country Apple Habanero Sauce

Maple Grove Farms Blueberry Maple Syrup

Sugar in the Raw

White Corn Tortillas

Cotija Cheese

Optional sides: Guacamole (check out our recipe here) and Pico de Gallo (recipe here)



  • Prepare your pork belly
    • Cut your pork belly in half.
    • Insert your pork belly into your foil pans. Inside the pans be sure to insert small baking racks to keep the meat lifted from the bottom of the foil.
    • Spray the racks with Pam to make your life easier at the end!
  • Season
  • Smoke
    • Insert your pans in your smoker and cook at 325° for 3 hours 
  • Prepare your wrap ingredients
    • Time to prepare your wrap ingredients! One jalapeño is used for each half of the pork belly. Cut the ends off and then simply slice them, leaving the membranes and seeds. The high cooking temperature and pineapple that will be added will tame down the heat, so no worry about it being too spicy!  
    • Take one can of sliced pineapple chunks and drain off the liquid.
  • Wrap
    • Cut your foil to be able to fit around your pork belly halves. Two pieces each.
    • Take one stick of butter, cut it in half and place it onto your foil. Pull your pork belly out of the smoker and make sure that the rub is set. Once it is, place it in the center of the foil right on top of the butter.
    • Sprinkle your pre-sliced pineapple and jalapeño over the top of your pork belly.
    • Pour about half a bottle of Head Country Apple Habanero Sauce over each half of your pork belly.
    • Pour about half a bottle of Smoke’n Magic Southern Twang BBQ Sauce over next.
    • The secret ingredient has arrived! Blueberry Maple Syrup. But not just any: Maple Grove Farms Blueberry Syrup. Again, about half a bottle!
    •  Sprinkle 1/4 cup of Sugar in the Raw over the top of your sauces.
    • Wrap your pork bellies up tight and place them back in their original pans and cook at that same 325° for 1-2 hours or until the internal temperature has reached 200°
  • Prepare your cooked pork belly and build your tacos!
    • There is some debate about shredded or cubed (you let us know which you think is best!) but this recipe will focus on cubed.
    • Remove your pork belly and anything sitting on top of it and place it on your cutting board and simply cube it up!
    • Pro tip: Separate out all of the jalapeño and pineapple left in your foil so you can use it later when building your tacos!
    • Warm up either a griddle or frying pan and heat up your favorite tortilla. We’re partial to white corn.
    • As we build out our plate we’re including out homemade pico de gallo and guacamole: both recipes can be found on our Youtube channel!
    • We also have our own spin on Spanish Rice which is soon to come
    • For us, Cotija cheese is non negotiable, but we encourage you to use whatever you like!
    • We like to double up our corn tortillas so that there’s less chance of breakage. Load them up with pork belly, pineapple, jalapeño, and cheese. And that’s how we do Smoke’n Magic Pork Belly Street Tacos!

Want to try this at home and try a whole new taco? Be sure to grab our Smoke ’n Magic Rib Rub, Pork Rub, and Southern Twang BBQ Sauce to make this recipe complete!

Never miss a new recipe by subscribing to our Youtube channel! New videos every Wednesday.

Enjoy, and don’t forget to share your creations with us on social media using #SmokeNMagicRecipes!

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Category: Pork

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